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Result Based Payments NetworK
"Farmers become advocats for agro-biodiversity"
Žymantas talks about the advantages of results-based agri-environmental schemes and how such a scheme was implemented in Lithuania . Listen to the interview. (Photo: www.otop.org.pl)
Workshop on Novel Agri-Environment Schemes
The workshop focused on different approaches to establish a results-based or collective agri-environment scheme. Experts from Europe met to discuss key points of a successful contract. The output was used to create design principles and contract prototypes. Read more
Training video gives overview of scoring system
5000 farmers are expected to participate in the new results-based agri-environment pilot (REAP) in Ireland. A short video for advisers gives good overview of the scoring system. Read more
Farmers give positive feedback on results-based contracts
University of Aberdeen together with Contracts2.0 action partner Natural England and the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority have surveyed farmers in results-based contracts. Read more
Combining results-based and value-chain contracts
Contracts2.0 project, Őrség National Park Directorate and ESSRG started to investigate how result-based schemes and value-chain approaches could be integrated. Read more
Podcast on future prospectives
In this podcast NatureScot’s Kirsten Brewster and Kay Prichard explain first results of piloting an outcome based approach in Scotland (POBAS) and how it might be extended in the future. Listen to the podcast
Semi-RBPS for corncrakes and prevention of invasive plants
Meadows, on which corncrakes are present in the current year are mown late, meadows without corncrakes are mown earlier, to prevent the spread of invasive alien plant species. Read more