
Country Infos

Country Profile Manager:
James Moran
Atlantic Technological University
Phone: +353 86 6063949





The RBAPS project was a three-and-a-half-year project in Ireland and Spain working with farmers and stakeholders developing ways to reward farmers for delivering biodiversity on their lands. The key element of results-based method of delivering payments is that the amount of money paid to the farmer reflects the quality of wildlife (biodiversity) that is delivered on their farmed land.
This project run for 3.5 years (January 2015 – June 2018) and worked in 3 pilot areas: Lowland semi-natural grasslands in County Leitrim, Ireland; The Shannon Callows, Ireland; Mediterranean upland areas of Navarra, Spain.


Logo for RBAPS project

Location of the scheme

several regions
  • Lowland semi-natural grasslands in County Leitrim, Ireland
  • The Shannon Callows, Ireland
  • Mediterranean upland areas of Navarra, Spain

Duration of the scheme

Since: January 2015
Until: June 2018

Objective(s) of the scheme / project

  • Biodiversity

Which habitats or species are in the focus of the scheme / project?

  • Habitats (incl. habitats of Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Directive (FFH-D.))
  • Species (incl. species of FFH-D. and Birds Directive (BD))
  • Landscape elements

In County Leitrim our participants have two measures available, Species-rich Grassland and Marsh Fritillary butterfly Habitat; on the Shannon Callows the options available to Farmers are Species-rich Flood Meadow and Wet Grassland suitable for Breeding Waders.


Which indicators are used?

  • Habitats (incl FFH and BD)
  • Species (incl FFH and BD)

In results-based payments farmers lands are assessed and given a quality score, which reflects the condition of the biodiversity on that land and determines the level of payments made to the farmer. Each scorecard is comprised of results indicators which are surrogates for measuring the actual biodiversity and just as each biodiversity target (e.g. habitat or species) must respond to agricultural practices so must the result indicators.  Result indicators must also be fair to the farmer in so far as they do not respond to changes outside the influence of his/her agricultural practices.  Result indicators must be easily understood by farmers, farm advisors, ecologists and auditors following a short training session.

Scoring guidance enable the user to carry out the field based assessment of quality and are designed to act as a support tool for the indoor and field-based training in the use of the relevant scorecard. Scoring guidelines explain each result indicator thoroughly and describe the various levels of achievement for each indicator on a scale of good to bad.

Full details available at

Design of scheme / project

  • Hybrid result based payment with complementary management based payments

A step by step guide on the designing results baed payment was developed as part of the project see

By which fund(s) is the scheme / project implemented?

  • Others

Pilot project funded by European Commission with financial support from the European Parliament

How are the incentives (payment levels) calculated?

  • Other

Calculations are based on the costs and income foregone of the farming practices which are generally required to achieve the desired result.

Full details on costings and payments level calculations can be got in section 3 of the step by step guide to design see pages 44-51

How many hectares are in the scheme?

  • 100 – 500

How many farmers take part in the scheme?

  • 50 – 100

How are participating farmers supervised/advised?

  • Advisors visits (obligatory)
  • Website
  • Information meetings/workshops (obligatory)

A summary of the training and advise given to farmers is diven in the non-technical summary of the project see page 10 

Are there any evaluation results?

  • No

Deatils of the monitoring and evaluation carried out as part of the project are available in the end of project syntheis report pages 28-40


Contact person

James Moran,

Galway Mayo Institute of Technology.
