Country Infos
Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for nature conservation
Phone: +386 1 230 95 00
Protection of lapwing nests (Vanellus vanellus) - PLN
The scheme (intervention) is results-based as it considers the protection of discovered nests in arable lands. The scheme is implemented on 'GERK' with the uses 1100 – arable land and 1161 – hop fields in rotation, as defined in accordance with the regulation governing the register of agricultural holdings. GERK stands for Graphic Unit of Agricultural Land Use. The operation is aimed at the conservation of the lapwing (Vanellus vanellus). This species originally nested in unfertilized meadows with slow-growing, low vegetation. Later, due to the more intensive fertilization of meadows, it began nesting in fields, which look like suitable nesting grounds in spring, as the vegetation is not so high. However, later on, with spring fieldwork, nests are often unintentionally destroyed. Not enough chicks survive in the fields, and the lapwing population in our area is declining. Collaboration between farmers, agricultural advisors, and ornithologists can help to stop their decline.
Location of the scheme
several regionsVoluntary implementation of the measure or scheme is possible in Ljubljansko barje (SI5000014), Dravsko - Ptujsko polje, including Črete (SI5000027), Drava (SI5000011).
Duration of the scheme
Since: 2023Until: 2027
Objective(s) of the scheme / project
- Biodiversity
Which habitats or species are in the focus of the scheme / project?
- Only birds of BD
The objective of the intervention is to protect the nests of the lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), which can otherwise be damaged by farmers during regular field work. By protecting these nests, we increase the likelihood of chick survival, thereby contributing to the conservation of the population. The operation is results-oriented. The lapwing population has been declining in recent years. By implementing this intervention, farmers will actively contribute to the conservation of this special bird, which has found a second home in the fields. By participating in this voluntary scheme, farmers will actively contribute to the conservation of nature and sustainable farming, thereby demonstrating social responsibility towards living beings and fellow humans.
Which indicators are used?
- Only BD Birds
- Physical structures (e.g. dead wood, presence of brushwood, hollow trees, tall grass)
Results-based agri-environment payment scheme specifically aimed at the protection of lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) nests.
Design of scheme / project
- Pure Result Based Payments
By which fund(s) is the scheme / project implemented?
- Agri Environmental Measures of CAP
The intervention is included in the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 and is part of the environmental scheme 'SOPO'.
How are the incentives (payment levels) calculated?
- Based on the costs of management actions
A bird expert, based on observing the behavior of adult lapwings, determines the location of their nest. The scheme is implemented only on arable land on GERK with appropriate usage, located in areas where lapwings are found, and in areas where a nest has been found and confirmed by an ornithologist (a tolerance of 2 meters is considered if the nest is found adjacent to arable lands). The holder of the agricultural land included in the scheme is required to take two geographically marked photographs of the nest as evidence and send them to the Agency for Agricultural Markets and Rural Development by June 30. The first geographically marked photograph must be taken on the day of establishment or within a week after establishing the protection of the nest, and the second geographically marked photograph must be taken on the last day of nest protection or at least by June 20.
As part of the scheme's protocol, a correction factor is used, with which one nest is counted as 1 ha of eligible area, regardless of the actual size of the agricultural land on which the nest is located. The holder of the agricultural land who finds a lapwing nest on GERK use 1100 or 1161 outside the 'Protection of Lapwing Nests' record, must report this to the local Agricultural Advisory Service, who, together with an ornithologist, will conduct a consultation within two days of reporting the found nest at the holder's included area. The ornithologist then reports the x,y coordinates of the found nest to the Agency for Agricultural Markets and Rural Development.
The requirements for implementing the scheme include marking the nest in the field with sticks. On the marked part of the field, no tractor or other mechanized work is allowed that could harm the nest until June 15, 2023, to ensure successful nesting. Normal cultivation can take place around the vicinity of the nest, and there are no specific requirements regarding the use of pesticides. After June 15, 2023, normal cultivation of the entire field is permitted, and it is mandatory to take geographically marked photographs beforehand to prove that the nest was preserved. In the area of the field marked for the nest, no tractor or other mechanized work is permitted that could harm the nest until a date that ensures successful nesting. The presence of grazing livestock is considered irrelevant to this process.
How many hectares are in the scheme?
- 2.001 – 5.000
How are participating farmers supervised/advised?
- Advisors visits (obligatory)
- Advice by telephone
- Website
- Information meetings/workshops (voluntary)
Are there any evaluation results?
- No
Contact person
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
Dunajska c. 22, 1000 Ljubljana