

Expert Workshops on Novel Results-Based and Collective Agri-Environment Schemes

On November 21, 2022, the project Contracts2.0 hosted the “Expert Workshops on Novel Results-Based and Collective Agri-Environment Schemes” in Berlin, Germany. In the context of this event, different approaches of result-based or collective agri-environment schemes were debated. Additionally, the following projects were presented:

  • Development of Results based Contracts Őrség National Park by Dr. Szentirmai István
  • Development of Results based Contracts in the region of Madrid by Inés Gutiérrez Briceño
  • Collective agri-environment schemes: The Dutch collectives by Lisa Deijl
  • Collective agri-environment schemes: Pilots in Brandenburg by Alma Maria

Different questions were discussed, e.g. what defines an ideal contract, how does an enabling policy framework look like or what are key resources for successful implementation. The idea was to create design principles and contract prototypes. As Austria has already established a results-based agri-environment scheme, the discussed questions could be compared to the Austrian project (EBW). This led to a vivid discussion with fruitful output.